welcome to my site!
what's up? i'm Mono and this is my personal site where i basically just do... whatever i feel like?

i don't use social media outside of tumblr and discord. and i don't know if those even count half the time.
so yup, this is just my corner of the internet where i can do whatever i want without worrying about anything other than how ugly my css is or how disorganized all my pages are.

i have no taste for aesthetics but i hope you'll love me and my little site regardless

anyways, thanks for checking out my site and i hope you enjoy your stay!
December 15th // plans soon! unless i get my wisdom teeth yanked in which case. later.

December 7th // planning to experiment on text-heavy pages so. construction-ish

November 24th // i've started on some extra pages but only two are linked atm

November 20th // and we're finally up again!!! hi

November 17th // okay replaced nav buttons on each page with actual links this time

November 15th // made the filter button so now you can choose pages to be less red. smiles

November 13th // trying hard to get this site back up before the 20th :3 hi

November 9th // god the site is so so red. my bad guys </3

November 8th // gonna try get this site back up before 20th