this site uses a mix of red, grey, and white colors that may cause eyestrain when viewed for an extended amount of time.
there should be absolutely no intense or flashing visuals beyond that.
pages were designed for desktop viewing first and foremost but most are responsive and should work on mobile but uh... might not be great yet.

my goal is to make my site as accessible as i can, even with my limited css skills.
i encourage you to leave a message on my neocities profile or contact me if i've missed something!

finally, pages might discuss themes like horror, blood and gore, violence, suggestive and sexual content, and other junk that's not for everyone.
i'll still keep more in-depth and explicit discussion behind content warnings.
please take these warnings seriously; do not purposefully continue on if you know it will upset you.

this site is not suitable for minors and you must be 18 or older to continue.